When Hiring a Commercial Electrical Contractor Is Needed

Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your Electrical Panel

The effective operation of your building’s electrical system depends on its electrical panel. Without a working electrical panel, you run the risk of fires, shocks, and appliance failure. Thankfully, you may work with a skilled commercial electrical contractor to modernize your electrical panel and provide you with a reliable system. But how can you determine when an upgrade is necessary? Watch out for these indicators.

Workers Consistently Trip Circuit Breakers

Your circuit breaker tripping is perhaps the most evident and frequent indication that there are technical problems with your electrical system and that it might need to be replaced. You’ve just gotten to work, lit your desk lamp, and are getting set to start the day by making coffee in the cafeteria. The moment you press the coffee maker, everything stops. This is a blatant indication that the specific circuit supplying power to your office isn’t quite adequate.

Aged Building

If your company is housed in an ancient structure that is, say, 35 years old or older, it might be time for an electrical upgrade. Throughout the last three decades, technology has made considerable advancements. That thus increases the demand on your electrical system. It might be time for an upgrade if you find that you have problems plugging in or using particular equipment or appliances. A commercial electrician will be able to assess your requirements, decide what modifications are necessary for your company, and come on-site to assess your needs.

Your Electrical Panel is Hot

If the panel becomes hot to the touch or if a light switch or electrical outlet feels unusually warm to the touch, you might be dealing with a significant issue. The extra heat will probably build up, and the insulation on your wiring will likely melt if your panel is unable to supply the necessary power for your operations. This can result in sparks and fire. These incidents won’t happen if your electrical panel is upgraded to one that is properly constructed.

Woods Electric is the commercial electrical contractor you can depend on! If you need the assistance of our team in Sacramento, CA, you may call us at (916) 245-2716 for more information on how to book an appointment.

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